Vetaphone's booth at Chinaplas 24

© Vetaphone

Vetaphone makes tradeshow appearance at ChinaPlas 2024

Vetaphone A/S, a globally leading manufacturer of surface treatment, will be exhibiting at the upcoming ChinaPlas trade fair when it returns to Shanghai after a six-year gap. Due to be held at the city’s National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC) from 23 to 26 April, ChinaPlas is set to attract visitors from across the whole Asian region.

Visitors to Stand 3A57 will be welcomed by Henry Ma (Vetaphone’s Sales Manager for China), Holger Selenka (Area Manager Asia/Pacific), Kim Bredgaard (Project Manager), and Huifang Pan, who is the company’s Test Lab Head Technician based at Vetaphone headquarters in Denmark.

Know-how exchange

Vetaphone has supported ChinaPlas since 2010, and as the inventors and pioneers of what has become universally known as ‘corona treatment’, the company has extensive knowledge and know-how that it is keen to share with printers, converters and extruders who are using plastic film substrates.

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