embedded world kickoff 2024

© NürnbergMesse/Heiko Stahl

A thrilling atmosphere and a warm welcome for visitors at embedded world 2024

The first live vote for the community choice award promises great excitement at the forthcoming embedded world 2024, when the international embedded community comes together in Nuremberg from 9 to 11 April. Visitors can look forward to three days of networking, innovation and embedded expertise and, with a little luck, receive one of the coveted heart T-shirts.

Expanded to occupy seven halls for the first time, preparations for embedded world 2024, which boasts many outstanding exhibitors, are in full swing. Pre-registration for the women4ew networking event is going remarkably well, while the two start-up areas are fully booked. The entire embedded community is eagerly awaiting the presentation of not only the annual embedded awards, but also the first community choice award. “We have all available hands on deck and aim to present the best embedded world ever,” says Executive Director Benedikt Weyerer.

Support for young companies as a key issue

The embedded industry thrives on innovation and this is often driven by start-ups. “We want to offer young companies in the embedded systems industry as much support as possible,” explains Weyerer. “For this reason, we have set up a second start-up area.” The two fully booked areas can be found in Halls 3A and 5.

“We have also initiated the ‘investors’ forum’ networking event in collaboration with BayStartUP to help promote start-ups,” adds Weyerer. “The aim is to build a bridge between recently established businesses, decision-makers and the world of finance.”

Students will be able to gain a first insight into the embedded industry on Student Day (Thursday 11 April). Young professionals can look forward to an informative keynote speech from Professor Yungang Bao, Deputy Director and Professor of the Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences; at the Student Day Rally and there will be many opportunities for fruitful dialogues.

The networking event #women4ew, which enters its second round this year, is also characterised by exchange. “We are looking forward to two hours of dialogue, information sharing and empowerment,” say Marketing Director Martina Hutter and Executive Director Benedikt Weyerer, who share overall responsibility for the event.

Another highlight will be the expert panel c-level@embedded-world, where top-level executives will discuss not only technical but also strategic issues in the embedded industry.

Conference programme

The embedded world Conference (ewC) provides diverse and in-depth insights into many current and future-oriented topics that concern the industry. It takes place on all three days of the exhibition. “We were able to put together a highly exciting programme with more than 240 presentations for this, the 22nd edition of ewC,” reports ewC Chairman Prof. Axel Sikora with delight. Special highlights are the keynote speeches by Dr Salil Raje (AMD) and Fiona Treacy (Analog Devices), which will take place on the first two days at 10 a.m. and are open to all visitors.
To the complete conference programme

The electronic displays Conference (edC) has established itself as the leading industry event in Europe thanks to its unique combination with the electronic displays area. “We can look forward to a record number of keynotes and contributions in 2024,” says Prof Karlheinz Blankenbach, Chairman of the electronic displays Conference. More than 75 expert contributions – organised in 18 sessions – will take place on 10 and 11 April. The newly introduced “Session Keynotes” promises to be a special highlight.


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