Thomas Köberlein, President of Schreiner ProTech and Managing Director of Schreiner Group China, extends cordial congratulations to Jamie Long, the General Manager of Jinshan, on his 15th anniversary with the company.

© Schreiner Group

New Chinese location of Schreiner Group successfully established

Schreiner Group has now been locally present in China with a production site for eight years. What used to primarily serve to supply products to customers from the automotive industry has since evolved into an established location for the healthcare industry as well. The prospects going forward are promising: not least thanks to an effective strategy.

The end of 2022 saw the relocation of Schreiner Group’s Chinese site within Shanghai from Fengpu to Jinshan–within a very short period. Whereas at the old location around 2,200 square metres of floor space were available the new location currently offers nearly 5,300 square metres. The newly gained area had become urgently necessary due to the company’s constant growth. The new site has since become successfully established especially with production for the Chinese market because Schreiner Group’s success formula says: local for local! Many of the company’s customers are important global players that are active in China as well. The triad of presence, production, and optimal local customer support was Schreiner Group’s central motivation from the outset.

Quick delivery in top quality

“Due to our local production, we can deliver products to our customers fast, reliably, and in our usual top quality,” says CEO Roland Schreiner. “As a result, we not only avoid long shipping routes and offer short delivery times but also show a presence on the Chinese market that’s not focused on exports. By pursuing this purpose, that element, just like our location in America, has clearly strengthened our entire group of companies.”

Another positive aspect is the fact that Jinshan is staffed almost exclusively by Chinese employees. Employee retention and loyalty to Schreiner Group are high. There is hardly any employee turnover—which is a great exception in China. Many employees have been with the company ever since it was founded. Location manager Jamie Long recently celebrated his 15th anniversary of service to the company. In addition, the promotion of two Chinese colleagues to leadership roles is a visible sign that the company believes in its local employees and invests in them. That is an incentive for new employees as well because growth continues.

Space for further growth

“As a result of our move to Jinshan a little more than a year and a half ago, we have an area that’s almost three times as large as the one we had before—and that’s exactly the space we need for further growth!” says Thomas Köberlein, President of Schreiner ProTech and Managing Director of Schreiner Group China. “The Chinese domestic market is huge and offers plenty of potential in our core segments, Mobility and Healthcare. We’re in a good position locally with both Schreiner ProTech and Schreiner MediPharm and can therefore gradually expand our market position.”

The local production enables the development and manufacture of tailored solutions directly on the ground, which not only strengthens the company’s global competitiveness but also its ties to the local markets. That is a significant element of Schreiner Group’s internationalisation strategy—which has proven to be extremely successful. Due to its growth potential and opportunities, the Jinshan location is going to continue to contribute to the robustness of Schreiner Group as a whole in 2024.

Caption: Thomas Köberlein, President of Schreiner ProTech and Managing Director of Schreiner Group China, extends cordial congratulations to Jamie Long, the General Manager of Jinshan, on his 15th anniversary with the company.

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