"Outstanding Supplier" award by the Chinese company Zijiang New Material (Zijiang).


ISRA VISION honoured for outstanding supplier performance in the field of battery component manufacturing

ISRA VISION GmbH from Darmstadt, Germany, has been awarded the “Outstanding Supplier” award by the Chinese company Zijiang New Material (Zijiang). With the award, Zijiang recognises the outstanding services of the ISRA VISION team in the field of battery component manufacturing. “We are very honoured to receive this award,” says Tomas Lundin, Managing Director of ISRA VISION GmbH and President of the Machine Vision Solutions Division. “The award underlines our claim to outstanding product quality and customer service.”

Aluminium film processing

Zijiang processes aluminum films needed in the production of lithium-ion batteries. ISRA VISION has equipped the customer with several SMASH systems. The SMASH inline inspection system detects and classifies surface defects. By accurately detecting and classifying relevant defects such as holes, scratches, impurities and bubbles, the system provides the customer with immediate feedback on the production process and material quality. At Zijiang, the system is used to inspect aluminum-coated plastic films. These are needed, among other things, in the production of lithium-ion batteries for electric cars.


Caption: “Outstanding Supplier” award by the Chinese company Zijiang New Material

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