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© Kampf

Kampf announces new flexible packaging collaboration with W&H

A cooperation agreement between Kampf GmbH, Atlas Converting and Windmöller & Hölscher (W&H) in the flexible packaging industry has been in place since 1 January 2025.

Customers and interested parties in this market sector in Italy, in Asia–Pacific (namely Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam), and in South America (Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador) will now be advised and supported by the W&H experts.

Optimised support

“With this new cooperation, we are creating even more opportunities to offer the best solutions for the flexible packaging industry worldwide and to optimise support through experienced contacts,” commented Kampf in a recent press statement.

Expansion in Wiehl

In other News, Kampf is expanding its headquarters in Wiehl, Germany, with the construction of two cutting-edge facilities: a new Customer Experience Center and a state-of-the-art Logistics Center. These new spaces are expected to redefine customer interaction and operational efficiency, solidifying Kampf’s commitment to innovation and customer focus.




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