Bob Pasquale

© New Era Converting Machinery

New Era’s Bob Pasquale elected President of the Association for Roll-to-Roll Converters

New Era Converting Machinery has announced that its President, Bob Pasquale, has been elected President of the Association for Roll-to-Roll Converters (ARC).

ARC is a global non-profit trade association serving the flexible metallizing, printing, coating and laminating industry. Its members elected four officers and six directors at the ARC Summit (23-24 April 2024; Golden, Colorado). In addition to Pasquale, the 2024–2025 board consists of Vice President Gregory D. Williams of Transcontinental Advanced Coatings, Treasurer Rod Sosa of Fres-co System USA and Past President Andy Jack of Emerson and Renwick Ltd.

Two new directors-at-large, Andy Palmer of Procter & Gamble (P&G) and Mike Sellers of MTorres Diseños Industriales, were elected, and four directors-at-large were re-elected, Joseph Perdue of ECKART America Corporation, Martha Sloboda of Duraco, Robert Malay of VDI – part of Madico, Inc., and Todd Luman of Interprint, Inc.

Long-term president of New Era Converting Machinery

Pasquale is one of the founders and co-owners of New Era Converting Machinery and has served as its president since 1996. He holds several patents related to web processing and has delivered many technical presentations. He has been a member of the ICEC USA steering committee and has long been active in ARC and its predecessor, the Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL). His experience includes technical sales, project engineering and management, and supervision of manufacturing, engineering and new product development. Pasquale is a graduate of the Stevens Institute of Technology with a degree in Materials Engineering.

“I am honoured to be elected President of ARC, and look forward to leading this great organisation,” said Pasquale. “It’s an exciting time of growth in our industry, with many new opportunities, and I am committed to building ARC’s membership and reach especially with the younger generation.”

“The roll-to-roll community is fortunate to have a strong network of volunteers and leaders. The 2024–2025 Board of Directors is a great example of dedicated contributors supporting our industry and association,” notes Chris Kerscher, executive director of ARC. “We appreciate their continued commitment and the continuity they bring to the leadership of ARC.”

Custom solutions for web handling

New Era is a global enterprise focused on providing custom designed equipment solutions for the web handling industry. With decades of industry experience on staff, they can apply their engineered solutions to provide customers with web handling equipment tailored to individual converting needs. New Era boasts a great deal of experience with coating, laminating, calendering and drying systems for a wide variety of environments and its customer base spans most industries which handle materials in a roll-to-roll fashion.

New Era Converting Machinery

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