Online Exclusive
Afera image
3. September 2024

Companies and Markets

Afera releases position paper on mass balance chain of custody

Afera, The European Adhesive Tape Association, has released a new position paper on mass balance chain of custody as part of the work undertaken by the Advocacy Workstream of Afera’s Flagship Sustainability Project (AFSP). Afera endorses the mass balance approach as a valid transitional mechanism for increasing circular content in products, while the tapes industry […]

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All News
15. July 2024 |

Companies and Markets

Online Exclusive

RK Print Coat – “Applying barriers to flexible”

Flexible packaging has been a key enabler in the establishment of modern supply chains for FMCG providers and retail ready organisations such as shopping clubs, warehouses and hypermarkets. Dynamic, influenced by consumer buying patterns and opinions, flexible packaging producers must continually innovate, re-invent, adjust, adapt and meet the challenges associated with sustainability and recyclability and […]

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11. July 2024 |

Companies and Markets

Online Exclusive

New Era Converting Machinery – Organic growth in different markets

Recently, PRO Flexconvert had the unique opportunity to visit the company headquarters of New Era Converting Machinery in Paterson, New Jersey. We sat down with Paul Lembo, Executive VP at New Era, for an exclusive interview. We meet here in Paterson, in direct vicinity to New York City, which is on the other side of […]

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4. July 2024 |

Companies and Markets

Online Exclusive

RK Print Coat – “Coating batteries and fuel cells”

In order to develop new coating materials or modify existing products there must be systems in place to trial and to coat materials uniformly and with consistent coat weight regardless of the application. In the production of batteries, thinner filmic webs are necessary for them to function effectively for longer periods and at higher power […]

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3. July 2024 |

Companies and Markets

Online Exclusive

KOCH – “robot technology you can touch”

In June, KOCH Industrieanlagen GmbH held its demonstration day at the company headquarters in Dernbach, Germany. PRO Flexconvert was on-site live and spoke exclusively with Jan-Henning Röseler, Business Development Manager Converting. Mr Röseler, we are meeting today at the KOCH Demonstration Day. What significance does this event have for your company? Jan-H. Röseler: Demonstration days […]

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24. June 2024 |

Online Exclusive

Tradeshows and Events

M2N Converting Gipfel takes centre stage in Hamburg

The wait is finally over. On 27 and 28 June, the first M2N Converting Gipfel will take place at east Hotel Hamburg. Numerous key players from the German-speaking converting industry have confirmed their participation at the new event that is fully dedicated to companies from the roll-to-roll processing industry. “We have compiled a high-calibre programme […]

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