Cartoon drawing of a woman walking through a turnstile

© Avery Dennison

Avery Dennison examines retail’s new normal: No check-out shopping wins loyalty from younger consumers

New research commissioned by Avery Dennison reveals an inflection point in consumers’ shopping behaviour. More than a third (37%) of shoppers polled across the USA and the UK say they would switch to a retailer that offers full check-out free stores. Two-thirds (67%) say they would opt for retailers that offer self-scanning at the end of a shop, while almost three-in-five (59%) say the same about self-scanning as they shop. More than four-in-ten shoppers (45%) would switch to a self-checkout service where products are automatically detected via in-item tagging, meaning they don’t need to scan a barcode.

Generation Z is leading the way when it comes to a preference for frictionless shopping, with over half (52%) likely to switch retailers for check-out free stores. Furthermore, 49% say they would be likely to spend more money with a retailer that has a connected or automated checkout experience, and 52% say connected stores would make them more loyal to a retail brand.

Frictionless shopping

The survey was commissioned by Avery Dennison, a digital identification solutions company, polling 4,000 US and UK consumers. Findings show that the vast majority (89%) have experienced some form of frictionless shopping in the last 12 months including self-scanning, self-checkout, full check-out free stores and try at home before you purchase services. This includes 81% of Baby Boomers and 72% of those aged 78 or over.

The factors driving consumers towards frictionless retail experiences include:

  • A faster shopping experience (46%)
  • Not having to queue (34%)
  • Less people interaction (33%)

While only 18% of people say there is no benefit, shoppers were also asked to select what drawbacks they see with automated and connected retail experiences. The most cited response was a difficulty in seeking assistance from employees (56%).

“Clear shift in consumer expectations”

Francisco Melo, president, Solutions Group at Avery Dennison, says: “Considering that most people haven’t yet had the opportunity to try a full check-out free store, our research shows a high percentage would be more likely to switch retailers for the experience, which demonstrates a clear shift in consumer expectations. At the same time, a growing number of leading retailers are turning to digital ID solutions to truly transform the customer experience.

Check-out free stores and self-checkout options enable an easier method of product selection and payment for the customer, while providing retailers with accurate real-time data about product performance and supply. What’s more, frictionless shopping environments allow retailers to deploy more staff in areas such as customer service.”

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