Brewer Science Achieves Certified B Corporation Recertification

© Brewer Science

Brewer Science achieves Certified B Corporation recertification

Brewer Science, Inc., a global leader in semiconductor innovation, has been recertified as a Certified B Corporation. This achievement underscores Brewer Science’s steadfast commitment to sustainable business practices and ethical operations.

Certified B Corporations meet high standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. Brewer Science’s recertification reaffirms its dedication to People Using Business as a Force for Good, aligning with a global movement of companies seeking to balance profit with purpose. The company from Rolla, Missouri, received its initial B Corp Certification in 2021. Certified B Corporations are required to renew their certification every three years, by completing a meticulous assessment process conducted by B Lab, the certifying body of B Corps, which examines over 170 factors while reviewing Brewer Science’s customers and vendors, record of inclusion, community involvement, corporate governance and environmental impact. Key elements such as average employee tenure, charitable giving, energy savings plan, recycling policies, employee volunteer service, and employee upward mobility are also analysed.

2024 Impact Report

Alongside this milestone, Brewer Science has unveiled its 2024 Impact Report, offering a detailed overview of the company’s impact across the five key areas identified by B Corp: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers.

“Renewing our Certified B Corporation status underscores Brewer Science’s ongoing dedication to integrating social and environmental responsibility into our core business strategy,” stated Terry Brewer, Founder and Executive Chairman of Brewer Science. “Since our initial certification, we’ve leveraged over three years of experience to amplify our impact across global operations, benefiting our employees, communities, and customers worldwide. We believe in the mission to use business as a Force for Good, and we will continue to deliver on our promise to drive positive change and create lasting value for all stakeholders.”

Brewer Science

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