Visitors at embedded world 2024

© NürnbergMesse/Thomas Geiger

embedded world 2024 – Intensive dialogue and full exhibition halls

From 9 – 11 April, the international embedded community met at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Over 1,100 exhibitors from almost 50 countries presented their products, solutions and innovations at the embedded world Exhibition & Conference.

“The past three days were simply great,” summarised Executive Director Benedikt Weyerer on Thursday evening at the close of embedded world 2024. “We were able to observe thousands of happy faces and in-depth conversations – both on the stands as well as in the packed halls and aisles.” “The resounding response from the well over 32,000 visitors from more than 80 countries emphasises the significance of embedded world as the key meeting place for the embedded community. I am therefore delighted to pass on the high praise from our customers to my dedicated team, who, as always, worked hard to ensure that everything ran smoothly.”

embedded world and electronic displays Conferences

The high-calibre series of lectures at the two parallel conferences attracted 1,871 participants and speakers from 45 countries to the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Prof Dr Axel Sikora, Chairman of the embedded world Conference, was delighted with “another successful conference with a total of 81 sessions and 17 classes covering all relevant topics. We saw many very well-filled rooms, interesting and topical presentations and intensive discussions.” The programme was complemented by two keynotes from AMD and Analog Devices focusing on the mega topic of “Embedded AI” as well as six different top-class panel discussions.

Prof Dr Karlheinz Blankenbach, Chairman of the electronic displays Conference, also drew a positive conclusion: “The recently established ‘session keynotes’ on the topics of ‘Display Innovations’ and ‘Display Market & UX’ were particularly well received. I am pleased to report that the rooms were full, the audiences were attentive, the questions were interesting and the community is still passionate about displays.” The conference programme comprised more than 75 contributions, which were bundled into 18 sessions and posters.

“The success of the conferences shows that our participants appreciate the intensive work and careful selection of the two programme committees,” praised Benedikt Weyerer.

Exhibitor Forums, women4ew, Student Day

In addition to the two start-up areas, the three exhibitor forums with exciting expert panels, company presentations and start-up pitches were also visitor magnets and almost always filled to capacity. Female empowerment and intensive networking took place on Wednesday afternoon at #women4ew. After a half-hour panel discussion, around 100 women and a few interested men had the opportunity to break-out into small groups and talk to the speakers about the added value of diverse teams, increasing one’s own visibility, career tips and feminist AI. The event took place for the second time this year.

On the third day of the show, the “next generation” visited embedded world on the occasion of Student Day. The keynote speech by Prof Yungang Bao, Deputy Director and Professor of the Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), gave the students a first impression of the fascination of the embedded industry. At the subsequent Student Day rally, the students were not only able to establish their first professional contacts in the halls, but also win one of five RaspberryPIs and the highly coveted embedded world “Heart” T-shirts.

The next embedded world Exhibition & Conference will take place from 11 – 13 March 2025 at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg.

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