Heliatek installation at Erlanger Stadtwerke

© Heliatek

Heliatek installs OPV modules on metal façades in Erlangen

Heliatek announces the successful completion of a double-façade installation of the innovative HeliaSol solar films on buildings of the Erlanger Stadtwerke (ESTW) in Germany. On two building façades, nearly 100 solar films were installed by two professional high-altitude climbers in just three days. Thanks to the integrated backside adhesive, the solar films could be efficiently and quickly glued directly to the metal building surfaces.

This project not only proves that any surface can generate ultra-green energy but also serves as a visual statement for innovation and technology. It underscores the commitment of the Erlanger Stadtwerke to innovation and sustainability.

Driving the energy transition

Matthias Rohde, Project Manager at Erlanger Stadtwerke, stated: “At Erlanger Stadtwerke, we actively drive the energy transition and believe technology and innovation are key to that. With the façade installations at our facilities, we demonstrate this commitment in an impressive and beautiful way – using the easy-to-install HeliaSol solar films on façades. This is a truly unique solution for façades.”

Guido van Tartwijk, CEO of Heliatek: “Utilising every surface of a building skin for clean power generation is central to our vision. Façade installations like the ones in Erlangen are the perfect proof of that idea. They transform surfaces into power generators and make innovation and sustainability visible in a strong, iconic architectural statement.”


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