Pragmatic welcomes Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, to Pragmatic Park

© Pragmatic Semiconductor

Pragmatic welcomes Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt

On 8 February, Pragmatic Semiconductor received British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, to Pragmatic Park, their new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, located in Durham, UK. The Chancellor met with CEO David Moore; Founder and Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives, Scott White; and SVP Manufacturing and Operations, Shane Geary, for a tour of the site and its 300mm fabrication line – the UK’s first – which is set to manufacture billions of flexible microchips per annum.

Hunt also met with current and former members of Pragmatic’s apprenticeship programme – part of our commitment to bringing up to 500 new, high-value jobs to North East England. Sadie Dickinson, Maddie Atkinson, Joe Bousfield and Tom Staples-Clough offered a demonstration of Pragmatic technology, and discussed their roles and experiences of the programme.

British government supports semiconductor sector

Finally, Hunt was presented with a FlexIC wafer, fabricated at the facility. “It’s been a pleasure to welcome Jeremy Hunt to Pragmatic Park,” said CEO, Dave Moore. “This visit underlines the government’s support for the semiconductor sector. Its National Semiconductor Strategy aims to secure the UK’s position as a global technology superpower; it’s been fantastic to demonstrate the level of innovation and excellence we can bring in support of that aim.”

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