Boston Skyline View

© Martin Hirschmann

Smartkem to present at TechBlick in Boston

Smartkem, Inc., the developer of a new class of semiconductor polymer transistors with the potential to power the next generation of displays, will be giving a live in-person presentation at the TechBlick: The Future of Electronics Reshaped conference in Boston, USA (12-13 June, UMass).

Smartkem Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ian Jenks, will be speaking on “Powering the Next Generation of Displays” at 10am Eastern Time on Thursday, 13 June. A live Q&A will follow the presentation.

Printed Electronics for Embedded RF Die Packaging

Ian Jenks will also be acting as chairman at the conference for a presentation titled “Printed Electronics for Embedded RF Die Packaging” at 11:15am, track 1 session in Ballroom C on Thursday, 13 June.

Presentation Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024
Time: 10am Eastern Time
Location: Room 3545 (3rd floor), Campus Center, UMass Boston

Driving the next generation of displays

Smartkem is seeking to reshape the world of electronics with its disruptive organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) that have the potential to drive the next generation of displays. Smartkem’s patented TRUFLEX semiconductor and dielectric inks, or liquid electronic polymers, can be used to make a new type of transistor that has the potential to revolutionise the display industry. The company’s inks enable low temperature printing processes that are compatible with existing manufacturing infrastructure to deliver low-cost displays that outperform existing technology. The company’s electronic polymer platform can be used in a number of display technologies including microLED, miniLED and AMOLED displays for next generation televisions, laptops, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets, smartwatches and smartphones.


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