Speaker list from TechBlick's April 2024 Innovations Festival

© TechBlick

TechBlick’s popular Innovations Festival returns in April

On 25 April, TechBlick will hold their free-to-attend online Innovations Festival, focusing on aspects of additive, sustainable, flexible, hybrid, wearable, and 3D electronics.

Attendee places will be limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. At their last Winter Festival, they had 700 unique actual attendees. As always, this festival will take place on the unique TechBlick platform. Attendees can use their avatar to meet the speakers, visit the exhibition, and network with fellow participants.


Track 1

1:00pm | Hangzhou LinkZill Technology | Innovating with TFT technology in both optoelectronic and biological ways

1:15pm | Smartkem | Organic Thin-Film Transistor Technology – from Lab to Fab

1:30pm | DoMicro | Inkjet Printed Interconnects on Bare Dies for Hybrid Electronics*

2:00pm | Fraunhofer IAP | Polymeric solid electrolytes*

2.00PM | Break/Exhibition

2:50pm | VTT | R2R Manufacturing of Flexible Electronics with Integrated Pick-and-Place*

3:05pm | Linxens | Scalable, customizable, multimodal electrode platform for biosensors and sensors

3:20pm | TNO | Advancing Medical Technology: Printed Electronics and Hybrid Integration Pave the Way for Next-Generation Medical Devices.

3:35pm | 3E Smart Solutions | Driving Reliability and Scalability in E-Textiles and Wearables via Embroidery Technology

3:50pm | Metafas | Going from Screen Printed Human Machine Interfaces to 3D Multi-Layer Electronics*

4:05 PM | Break/Exhibition

4:55pm | Copprint | Conductive copper inks enabling sustainable PCBs and printed electronics

5:10pm | Kimoto | Adhesive carrier and protection films for advanced manufacturing

5:25pm | Sun Chemical | Inkjet Printing in Electronics Manufacturing

5:40pm | CondAlign | Enabling room temperature electronics bonding in FHE applications, addressing sustainability and cost

5:55pm | Nagase ChemteX America | Advances in Wash Testing of Conductive Inks for Wearable Electronics

6:10 PM | Break/Exhibition

7:00pm | BotFactory | Additive and On-Demand Manufacturing of Electronics: Towards Increasing Complexity*

7:15pm | Suss MicroTec | Beyond Paper: Inkjet printing is the future in drops

7:30pm | NanoPrintek | Dry Multi-Material Printing: Printed Electronics WITHOUT Inks or Drying*

Track 2

1:00pm | INO-Žiri | Screen Printing Everywhere: How to Industrial Screen Printed MultiLayer Flexible Electronics*

1:15pm | SPGPrints | Bridging the divide: scaling up printed electronics from lab to production

1:30pm | Niebling | High-Pressure Forming (HPF) for In-Mold Electronics (IME) processes

1:45pm | Notion Systems | Submicron and high viscosity patterning with EHD

2.00PM | Break/Exhibition

2:50pm | Akoneer | Going maskless for semiconductor packaging with SSAIL

3:05pm | Neotech AMT | Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable Mechatronic Systems

3:20pm | Qunatica GmbH | Why 3D Printing Has Failed the Electronics Industry

3:35pm | Hummink | Pushing Boundaries in Micro-Bump Fabrication: The HPCAP Approach

3:50pm | ImageXpert | Print Quality- All that can go wrong and how to identify them

4:05 PM | Break/Exhibition

4:55pm | Arkema | Printed Piezoelectric Material: From Robotics to HMIs to Wearable Sensors*

5:10pm | TracXon | Responsible electronics through printed electronics

5:25pm | Danish Technological Institute | e Textile Sensors and More

5:40pm | Brewer Science | Ubiquitous Water Sensors For Industrial Applications*

5:55pm | Intellivation LLC | Laser Patterning of sputtered coatings for high-volume production of flexible devices

6:10 PM | Break/Exhibition

7:00pm | Printed Electronics Ltd | Scaling up from idea to product using the PEL open-access printable electronics production facility

7:15pm | ACI Materials | The Conductive Revolution: Breakthrough Semi-Sintered Inks Transforming Electronics Manufacture

7:45pm | E2IP Technologies | Screen Printing heating devices – limits and challenges

See the most up-to-date agenda and register here

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