Portrait of Felix Karlsson

© Ynvisible Interactive Inc.

Ynvisible appoints Felix Karlsson as Director

Ynvisible Interactive Inc. has appointed Felix Karlsson as a Director of the company effective from 28 March 2024.

Felix Karlsson was the co-founder and CEO of Rdot AB, an e-paper start-up from Sweden, that was acquired by Ynvisible in 2020. Since the acquisition, he worked at Ynvisible in a leading role focused on business development and strategy, and contributed to positioning Ynvisible as one of the leading e-paper actors globally.

The appointment of Karlsson follows the resignation of Jani-Mikael Kuusisto as a director of the company. Kuusisto has played an integral role in helping shape Ynvisible from its inception. He is currently the CEO of The Warming Surfaces Company, a technology start-up bringing a new sustainable heating technology to the market, that turns surfaces in living environments into smart warming surfaces. With potential business relations developing between Ynvisible and The Warming Surfaces Company, Kuusisto has decided to step down from the Board of Directors, to prevent any conflicts of interest. He will continue to support Ynvisible through a position on the Advisory Board of the company.

Transition into a printed e-paper products company

“Ynvisible’s transition into a printed e-paper products company has been carried out systematically and holistically under the skilled stewardship of Ramin Heydarpour. It’s been delightful to work in this process with him and the team. I look forward to our future collaborations,” said Jani-Mikael Kuusisto. “A key strategic mind and effective communicator in the transition process has been Felix Karlsson. His millennial insights and values are a great addition to the Board of Directors. I applaud his appointment.”

“On behalf of all of us at Ynvisible, I would like to thank Jani-Mikael for his invaluable service to Ynvisible. We wish him all the best in his new venture and we appreciate his continued association with Ynvisible as an independent advisor. I will count on his wise counsel,” stated Ramin Heydarpour, CEO of Ynvisible. “Moreover, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Felix as the new member of our Board of Directors. As an entrepreneur and a seasoned strategist in the e-paper industry, Felix is uniquely positioned to help Ynvisible in this new capacity.”

Disrupting the ultra-low power display industry

Ynvisible is disrupting the low-cost and ultra-low power display industry thanks to the latest advantages in sustainable electronics and roll-to-roll printing production. Ynvisible’s printed e-paper displays are ideal for low-power and cost-sensitive applications, such as digital signage, smart monitoring labels, authenticity and security, and retail labels and signage. Ynvisible boasts experience, know-how, and intellectual property in electrochromic materials, inks, and systems, and offers a mix of services, materials, and technology to brand owners developing smart objects and IoT products.


Caption: Felix Karlsson

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