Baumer hhs solution center in Krefeld

© Baumer hhs

Baumer hhs extends hhs solution center in Krefeld

Until now, Baumer hhs customers have known the hhs solution center at the company’s headquarters in Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany, primarily as a competence centre where they can test new applications and business ideas relating to industrial adhesive application, including the associated quality assurance. Baumer hhs has recently expanded the services of its hhs solution center to include a comprehensive education and training programme. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for customers from all over the world to bring their operating and service personnel or other employees up to speed with the latest technology – and thus counteract the shortage of skilled labour in the industry.

“We work with our customers to tailor the training courses to their individual requirements. The programme ranges from basic training courses for career starters and career changers to seminars for advanced learners. Limiting the number of participants to a maximum of four ensures a high level of intensity in the training and development programmes. Ultimately, all courses and training programmes are aimed at providing our customers with the best possible qualifications for their day-to-day production work. They learn how to work as efficiently as possible with Baumer hhs technology in adhesive application, including quality assurance, and how to flexibly meet the requirements of the market. At the same time, the training courses raise the participants’ understanding of the technical processes in these applications to a higher level. This enables them to work more efficiently in day-to-day production,” explains Lars Scherberich, team leader at the hhs solution centre at Baumer hhs.

State-of-the-art training facilities

The new, technically state-of-the-art training facilities – which offer the perfect ambience for goal-oriented, concentrated learning – are located within the hhs solution centre. In this competence centre, Baumer hhs has installed various test set-ups with the latest technology for adhesive application and quality assurance in an area of 200m². The solutions shown here simulate in live operation how customers use the innovative solutions from Baumer hhs in packaging production and in end-of-line processes. The applications range from dispersion adhesives and hot melt adhesives to new developments such as low-temperature and bio-based adhesives and pallet protection with anti-slip adhesives. The learning content is immediately reinforced through direct handling of the various adhesive application heads.

The high practical relevance of all training courses is also ensured for another reason: Baumer hhs produces its adhesive application systems in Krefeld. Visitors are given an insight into their production and the high quality standards that apply here. At the end of the training and further education programme, Baumer hhs presents all participants with certificates documenting the training courses they have attended.

“Baumer hhs is recognised in the global market as a company that is particularly responsive to the individual requirements of its customers. Our hhs solution centre is an important element of this customer proximity. With our new education and training programmes, we are now responding to the wishes of many customers to better qualify their employees and thus counteract the industry-wide shortage of skilled workers. We look forward to welcoming many participants from all over the world,” says Scherberich. The Competence Centre team works with customers to tailor the training courses to their individual requirements and prepares the visits meticulously. At the same time, it offers its guests a complete service, including hotel bookings and all transfers from a single source.

High impact of the training

In the recent past, various large packaging manufacturers have already taken advantage of the new training and further education services offered by the hhs solution centre. Armando Orellana Galán, Sales Director for DACH and Benelux at Baumer hhs: “We have received feedback from these companies that the training is having a clearly visible impact on their production in the form of higher productivity and efficiency.”

The hhs solution center in Krefeld specialises in applications in the production of folding cartons and corrugated board packaging, in end-of-line processes and in print finishing. Baumer hhs also has another competence centre at the site of its Italian subsidiary in Cesano Boscone near Milan, which specialises in adhesive applications in the tobacco industry.

Baumer hhs

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