Ed Pittman

© Martin Automatic

In memoriam Ed Pittman (Martin Automatic)

Martin Automatic is saddened to report the passing of Edward (Ed) Pittman. He was the company’s Sales Manager for Southern Europe and Africa from 2001 until his retirement in 2022.

Speaking for Martin, VP Sales & Marketing Gavin Rittmeyer said: “Ed served his customers and Martin with integrity and passion – always striving to put the needs of others first. I counted him a friend, as did many of his customers. We are all saddened by his unexpected passing, and we send our condolences to his wife Tere and his whole family.”

As the child of missionary parents, Ed was exposed to the Church his entire life, becoming a devout and practising Christian in 2007 and enjoyed leadership roles in the Evangelical Church in Las Rozas de Madrid, close to where he lived.

A career in the printing industry

He spent most of his adult life working in the printing industry. Prior to joining Martin Automatic he worked for Comco and Didde. Asked on his retirement how he would like to be remembered professionally he said: “As an honest guy who always did his best to serve my customers and prospects fairly.”

Nobody who knew him would doubt that he succeeded in his wish. He will be fondly remembered and much missed by all with whom he came into contact.

Martin Automatic

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