Masterpress E-commerce is advancing environmentally responsible packaging solutions

© Masterpress

Masterpress E-Commerce innovates in sustainable packaging

Masterpress E-Commerce, a subsidiary of Masterpress, a leading European provider of printed decorative packaging solutions, addresses the growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives in e-commerce packaging, demonstrating new solutions that eliminate plastic in e-commerce envelopes.   

The latest developments include paper envelopes featuring a recyclable paper-based tear tape from tesa, a multinational producer of innovative adhesive tapes and self-adhesive product solutions, and “eco-bubble,” a paper-based protective filler replacing the bubble wrap.

The question of recycling different elements of the packaging

“When ordering products online, customers are often left with a question how to recycle the different elements of the packaging. At Masterpress E-commerce, we want to make recycling simple, straightforward, and environmentally sustainable,” said Marek Siciński, project manager at Masterpress E-Commerce. “Our collaboration with tesa to replace plastic with the paper-based tear tape and developments like the “eco-bubble” are part of our strategy to deliver innovative and fully recyclable solutions that the e-commerce customers are waiting for.”

tesa 51344 paper-based tear tape offers a recyclable alternative to traditional plastic sealing solutions, ensuring easy opening without compromising sustainability. This tear tape can be integrated into paper-based envelopes, contributing to the elimination of single-use plastics in packaging.

The “eco-bubble” filler is designed to replace traditional plastic bubble wrap, providing durable, paper-based cushioning that is fully recyclable. Made from a variety of materials, including kraft paper and recycled options, the eco-bubble offers robust protection for products during transit, particularly in the cosmetics and jewelry sectors.

With the “eco-bubble” and tesa 51344 paper-based tear tape, end-users no longer have any doubts about whether they need to remove plastic components or which recycling stream to use, simplifying the recycling process.  Masterpress E-Commerce offers a range of materials for its packaging solutions, including kraft paper, bleached paper, and bio-paper made from agricultural waste. These materials were selected for their durability and minimal environmental impact, ensuring that all packaging aligns with the principles of a circular economy.

Market expansion and scalability

Masterpress E-Commerce began trials for the eco-bubble solution in mid-2024, initially focusing on the cosmetics and jewelry sectors. The company is also preparing to scale production with plans to roll out tailored-made machinery, enabling broader adoption of the solution.

Masterpress continues to explore opportunities with potential large-scale customers, aiming to scale up production and extend these innovations to a wider range of industries.

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