On site with products and expertise: Head of Purchasing Christoph Thurl and Product Manager PCS Adrian Marggraf in a direct exchange with General Manager of Schreiner Group Ltd. China, Jamie Long.

© Schreiner Group

Schreiner Group – Pressure Compensation Seals for the growing Chinese market

Schreiner Group has been present in China for 15 years now, for more than eight years with an own production site. The world’s largest market for the automotive industry plays a decisive role for Schreiner ProTech’s Shanghai/Jinshan business unit and the supply of customers from the automotive industry.

Many of Schreiner Group’s customers are well-known global players who are also active in China. Being present locally as a strategic partner for these customers, to produce and to support the customer in the best possible way was a central concern from the outset.

“A stronghold in the electrification of vehicles”

“The Chinese market is a stronghold when it comes to the electrification of vehicles. And high-quality Pressure Compensation Seals are a small but indispensable building block in this production chain. For this reason, it is extremely important that we are also represented locally with our products and expertise,” explains Adrian Marggraf, Product Manager for Pressure Compensation Seals at Schreiner ProTech.

The building in the Jinshan district, to which the company moved around a year ago, offers plenty of space for Schreiner Group’s business units and the opportunity to grow. The topic of technical cleanliness is also increasingly coming into focus in production in the Far East.

Further increasing quality

With the newly founded Processcenter Pressure Compensation Seals (PC PCS) at Schreiner Group’s headquarter in Oberschleissheim, Germany, the team in Jinshan has a perfect template. “Currently,” says Marggraf, “there are already personnel locks and cleanliness chambers in Shanghai. We are in direct contact and further measures are being implemented step by step to further increase the already high quality of our PCS.”

Increasing the high-quality production of pressure compensation elements, strengthening its market presence and responding to the growing market potential – these are the goals with which Schreiner ProTech is building on its location in China.


Caption: On site with products and expertise: Head of Purchasing Christoph Thurl and Product Manager PCS Adrian Marggraf in a direct exchange with General Manager of Schreiner Group Ltd. China, Jamie Long.

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