Martin Hirschmann, Nina Pirchmoser and Nadine Bauernfeind

© M2N Media GmbH

Short summer break and a thank you!

Dear Readers,

It’s been almost seven months since we set out on our new journey with M2N Media GmbH. In this rather short timeframe, we have had the opportunity to truly connect with many players from the converting and flextronics industries and to establish our brands PRO Flexconvert, PRO Flextronics, M2N Converting Gipfel and M2N Converting Showcase on the market.

Time to recharge

In the next few weeks, we will take a short summer break to relax and recharge. We will be back in the second half of August with all the latest updates from our industries.

A heartfelt thank you

We thank each and everyone who has shown their support for our new venture: our readers, advertisers and attendees at the M2N Converting Gipfel! We promise that we will keep building these brands we truly believe in – to offer the markets we serve the optimal media platforms.


M2N Media – Martin Hirschmann, Nina Pirchmoser and Nadine Bauernfeind

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