Company logos of Epishine and E-peas

© Epishine/E-peas

E-peas and Epishine collaborate with energy harvesting expertise

E-peas, a renowned innovator in Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) technology, and Epishine, a leader in organic solar cell technology, have formed a strategic partnership. This collaboration aims to align both companies to advance the development of energy-efficient and sustainable consumer electronics.

The partnership emphasises the critical importance of aligning all system components, energy harvesting, power management and storage, to ensure optimal system performance. Recognising that the efficiency of a system cannot be judged by its individual parts alone, the focus is on the combined operation of all elements. This perspective drives both parties to seek out partnerships, leveraging collective expertise to innovate and develop superior systems.

Combined specialised knowledge

By combining e-peas’ specialised knowledge in PMICs with Epishine’s groundbreaking indoor solar cells, the partnership is set to enhance product designs, leading to more efficient power usage, extended device lifespans and massive roll-out of light-based energy harvesting solutions.

E-peas’ broad selection of PMICs, enables many combinations of Epishine’s PV architectures with various storage element technologies to supply any kind of applications, making it easy to select a part that operates seamlessly with both Epishine’s MultiCell and OneCell.

“This partnership represents a fusion of strengths,” said Christian Ferrier, CMO of e-peas. “By sharing our PMIC technology insights with Epishine, and vice versa, we anticipate setting new benchmarks for what’s possible in energy-efficient electronics.”

Optimising energy harvest and usage

Daniel Westling, Chief Commercial Officer at Epishine, also highlighted the mutual benefits of the collaboration, “Working closely with e-peas allows us to integrate our solar cells with state-of-the-art PMIC technology, optimizing energy harvest and usage in devices. It’s a win-win for advancing sustainable tech.”

The collaboration underscores both companies’ commitment to sustainability and innovation, aiming to bring to market products that are not only technologically advanced but also environmentally conscious.

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