An OPV installation on a roof in Vienna

© Heliatek

Heliatek supplies Austria’s largest OPV installation

Solar film pioneer Heliatek, which is based in Dresden, Germany, has completed its first OPV installation in Austria. Together with their partner SPI Intelligence Services , they have realised a large-scale rooftop installation at Wien Energie’s power plant in Vienna Simmering. Close to 350 HeliaSol solar films have been installed with metal sheets on a corrugated rooftop on a storage facility of the power plant. The lightweight HeliaSol solar films were the perfect choice due to the load capacity of the building.

Ultra-green power generation

Lars-Oliver Schröder, Head of Sales & Marketing Heliatek: “A big thank you to our partner SPI Intelligence Services for this wonderful project. Wien Energy GmbH is fascinated with our solution designed to enable ultra-green power generation on virtually any building surface .” Martin Ruzicka, CTO SPI Intelligence, added: “As Heliatek’s proud partner, we want to bring the innovative solar films to Austria to enable more customers to become energy independent with the greenest of all solar technologies. This largest installation in Austria is just the start of more projects with the innovative solar films made in Dresden.

Caption: OPV installation at power plant Vienna Simmering

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