© M2N

New international media hub for converting and flexible electronics has launched

M2N Media GmbH officially starts its business operations at the beginning of 2024. The company, which was jointly founded by Managing Partners Martin Hirschmann, Nina Pirchmoser and Nadine Bauernfeind, now offers competent, up-to-date and independently researched specialist information for the global coating and web processing industry as well as the growth sector for flexible and printed electronics.

Multichannel B2B communication

The three founders pursue a holistic approach that aims to combine the best of all worlds: Print, online, live events and other digital formats complement each other to create a perfect multichannel mix for contemporary B2B communication. In addition to the regularly published print magazines PRO Converting (editions in German and English) and PRO Flextronics (in English), M2N Media GmbH’s offering also includes a versatile and highly attractive website with industry news for both branches of industry served by the media company every working day. In future, the digital offering will also include monthly newsletters, podcasts, online talks and video content, compiled live at the most important industry events.

Journalistic principles

“We founders have been active in the sectors we serve for many years and know the opportunities and challenges, but also the special structures in these industries,” says Martin Hirschmann, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief. “Even more important, however, are our long-term personal contacts, which are characterised by mutual trust and which we want to continue to cultivate and expand in order to offer the industry the optimum media portfolio for its activities. We always act according to journalistic principles and are not afraid to take a critical view. One important focus is on the topic of sustainability, which is a burning issue for many decision-makers in our industries – as both an opportunity and a challenge!”

Ideal environment for advertising and advertorials

“For machine and system manufacturers, as well as equipment suppliers in the coating and web processing industry as well as in flexible and printed electronics, we offer the perfect environment for a wide range of advertising and advertorial formats,” says Nina Pirchmoser, Managing Director and Head of Sales at M2N Media GmbH. “We look forward to getting in touch with you directly to bundle your comprehensive advertising and content packages!”

Modern layout, adaptive website, multi-channel presence

“We are focusing on a modern appearance in our print media, with an optimal digital extension as an e-paper, as well as a website that meets all our requirements – and it also has a great design!” emphasises Nadine Bauernfeind, Managing Director and Head of Design. “Our readers can already look forward to the first digital content: our Podcasts “The Voice of Converting” and “The Voice of Flextronics” will be launching very soon!”

PRO Converting Showcase

To mark the launch of M2N Media GmbH, the start-up media company is coming up with a real highlight: In the PRO Converting Showcase, companies from the global coating and web processing industry can showcase themselves perfectly with exclusive company profiles. In addition, there are independently researched trend interviews with personalities from outside the industry who comment on the most important topics of our time – competently, critically and controversially. The English-language print product will be distributed at numerous industry events in the coming months with a print run of 10,000 copies.

Live Event with Heart and Hamburg Flair

“We will soon be able to tell you more about our ambitious plans. One project is particularly close to our hearts: the first PRO Converting Gipfel in Hamburg,” concludes Martin Hirschmann. “It’s best not to make any plans from 27-28 June, because we’re inviting the German-speaking converting industry to Germany’s northern metropolis!”

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