embedded award prize

© NürnbergMesse/Thomas Geiger

Nine winners chosen at the embedded award 2025

On 11 March 2025, outstanding innovations in the field of embedded system technologies were honoured at the embedded world Exhibition&Conference. From around 130 submissions, 27 products were nominated for the nine categories of the embedded award. The nine winners were presented with their awards at a festive ceremony.

“We are seeing that the world of embedded systems continues to show a high pace of innovation and technological progress. It is not a sudden revolution, but a rapid succession of many, many developments in various embedded technologies across the embedded systems industry,” explains Prof Dr Axel Sikora, Chairman of the embedded world Conference and head of the embedded award jury. “It is particularly interesting to see that in most cases, it is more than one company working in the same direction, as can be seen from the developments in the field of embedded AI or embedded vision in particular.”

The 130 or so submissions came from large companies, small firms and start-ups – “an excellent and very representative mix for the embedded world community”, according to expert Sikora. The jury of seven experts selected three nominated products in each award category back in mid-February. The winners were chosen at an awards ceremony.

Winner embedded award 2025

Artificial intelligence
heartKIT AI development kit
Exhibitor: Ambiq
Hall/Booth: 4-581

Cadence base system Chiplet
Exhibitor: Cadence design systems
Hall/Booth: 4-219

Electronic displays
Exhibitor: Tianma
Hall/Booth: 1-350

Embedded Vision
D500R WORM SD / D500R WORM microSD
Exhibitor: Team Group Inc.
Hall/Booth: 5-239

Exhibitor: Tropic Square
Hall/Booth: 5-373

SoC/IC/IP design
Trimension NCJ29D6: Ultra-Wideband IC
Exhibitor: NXP Semiconductors
Hall/Booth: 4A-222

Exhibitor: Driver
Hall/Booth: 3A-332

AI Bunker
Exhibitor: Accelerat
Hall/Booth: 4-625

Catapult AI NN
Exhibitor: Siemens EDA
Hall/Booth: 5-119

embedded award jury

The seven-member expert jury consisted of:

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora – Head of the Advisory Board of the embedded world Exhibition, Chairman of the embedded world Conference, head of the embedded award jury, Offenburg University / Hahn-Schickard
  • Prof. Karlheinz Blankenbach – Chairman of the electronic displays conference committee, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences
  • Caspar Grote – Product Manager Events, WEKA Fachmedien GmbH
  • Prof. Dr. Jean-Philippe Lauffenburger – Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France
  • Jeff Bier – President of engineering consulting firm BDTI, founder of the Edge AI and Vision Alliance
  • Randall Restle – President of Restle LLC
  • Prof. Dr. Weiyan Hou – Faculty of Information Technology, Zhengzhou University, China

community choice award

Every member of the embedded community had a vote and could vote for their favourite of the 27 nominated products in the nine categories. Voting for the community choice award was closed during the official award ceremony. The community choice award was presented for the second time and was once again very well received by the community.

Winner of the community choice award 2025
D500R WORM SD / D500R WORM microSD
Exhibitor: Team Group Inc.
Hall/Booth: 5-239

embedded world

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