All News
30. January 2024 |

Texas A&M University: 3D printed electronic skin provides promise for human-machine interaction

With more than 1000 nerve endings, human skin is the brain’s largest sensory connection to the outside world, providing a wealth of feedback through touch, temperature and pressure. While these complex features make skin a vital organ, they also make it a challenge to replicate. By utilising nano-engineered hydrogels that exhibit tunable electronic and thermal […]

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29. January 2024 |

Fraunhofer FEP demonstrates high-speed light modulation for OLED, micro-LED and LCOS arrays

High-resolution light modulators determine the graphical experience in virtual reality (VR) glasses or the performance in optical communication. A new backplane architecture for light modulation has been developed at Fraunhofer FEP, thanks to which extremely high refresh rates now lead to improved image quality and optical modulation. The new backplane architecture and the high-resolution displays […]

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