“ALUSolder” project – development of resource-saving electronics based on an aluminium printed circuit board
As part of the innovation network “Hidronik: Hybrid systems with printed electronics”, which is coordinated by ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V., Plasma Innovations GmbH is working on the “ALUSolder” project together with the companies Powerlyze GmbH and PCB-Systems GmbH as well as TH Nuremberg (Nuremberg’s Institute of Technology). The aim is to develop resource-saving electronics based on […]
VTT works with companies to develop wearable sensors for health and wellness
Today, more and more wearable electronics are used for monitoring health and wellness. A project coordinated by VTT Research Centre of Finland is researching new measurement technologies to produce continuous, more accurate data on the wearer’s health in a cost-effective way. New measurement methods can also make treatments more comfortable for patients, allow patients to […]
Fraunhofer FEP’s Microdisplays and Sensors business unit to be integrated into Fraunhofer IPMS
The Microdisplays and Sensors business unit at the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP will be integrated into the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS with retroactive effect from 1 January 2024. Both institutes are closely connected, particularly within this business unit, and share infrastructure at the Dresden site. By […]
Tampere University joins efforts to support the transition to sustainability across the electronics industry
As the raw materials for consumer and industrial electronics will run out in the future, the electronics industry needs to find sustainable alternatives and adopt circular business models. The Sustronics project funded by the European Union is looking to pioneer the implementation of the European Green Deal by integrating sustainability principles into the design, supply […]
Texas A&M University: 3D printed electronic skin provides promise for human-machine interaction
With more than 1000 nerve endings, human skin is the brain’s largest sensory connection to the outside world, providing a wealth of feedback through touch, temperature and pressure. While these complex features make skin a vital organ, they also make it a challenge to replicate. By utilising nano-engineered hydrogels that exhibit tunable electronic and thermal […]