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TactoTek forms new Board of Directors

Following its $60+ million funding round, TactoTek, the global leader in In-Mould Structural Electronics (IMSE) technology, has reconstituted its Board of Directors with accomplished leaders whose collective expertise supports its strategic global market expansion across multiple industries.

IMSE solutions integrate electronic functions such as lighting, touch controls, and antennas into 3D injection-moulded smart surfaces. A single, seamless IMSE part replaces multi-layer electromechanical assemblies while being lighter, thinner, and delivering step-function sustainability improvements.

Elite Board of Directors

“We have an elite Board of Directors ideally suited to support TactoTek’s growth and the worldwide penetration of the company’s IMSE technology across multiple industries,” noted Anders Dahlblom, chairperson of TactoTek’s Board of Directors. “With strong financial backing, an active and aligned Board of Directors, and an experienced operational team, the company is poised for rapid market expansion.”

TactoTek’s new Board of Directors includes:

  • Anders Dahlblom – Chairperson
    Currently COO at Virala Oy, Dahlblom brings significant leadership experience, having served as President and CEO of Glaston Oyj, VP and Managing Director at Owens Corning, and Managing Director at Paroc Group Oy. He also serves on multiple boards, including Conficap Oy, Are Oy, YIT Oyj, Betolar Oyj, and Enersense International Oyj (as Chairperson).
  • Anders Stenbäck
    A Partner and co-founder at Good Ventures, Stenbäck has more than 20 years of senior leadership experience with companies such as Sanoma, If P&C Insurance, Sampo Group, OP Financial Group, and YIT Urban Development and Construction Company. He joined TactoTek’s Board in October 2022 and also serves on the boards of Granlund, Helsinki University Pharmacy, Helsinki University Properties, PrintCom Solutions, Parking Energy, Evenli, and Connected Inventions.
  • Kai J. Siebert
    Founding and Managing Partner of SKV Invest, GmbH, and a former C-level executive at Mercedes, Siebert offers deep expertise in finance, mergers and acquisitions, and global business development. He is a founding partner and board member of Zefryron and SENTImotion, and previously served on Daimler advisory boards.
  • Kai Seikku
    CEO of Okmetic and COO of the National Silicon Industry Group (NSIG), Seikku brings over 25 years of CEO-level experience across various industries. His board leadership spans more than 30 companies, including public firms such as Soitec (Euronext: SOI), Canatu (Nasdaq: CANATU), and NoHo Partners (Nasdaq: NOHO).
  • Jyrki Still
    Chief Technology Officer at Detection Technology Oyj, a global leader in X-ray imaging solutions, Still has pioneered advanced integration of AI and innovative algorithms. He has led operations in China and the Asia-Pacific region and has served on multiple boards, including the Finnish Business Council Beijing. Still has been a TactoTek Board member since 2013.

Unprecedented design freedom

“IMSE technology provides unprecedented design freedom aligned with automotive market priorities, such as integrating innovative lighting and intuitive user controls directly into the structure of surface materials, and TactoTek has, by far, the most experience and a dominant intellectual property position,” according to board member, Kai Siebert. “IMSE benefits extend far beyond automotive to current high scale industries such as smart home and industrial controls, and high growth markets such as robotics.”


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