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TactoTek opens IMSE Innovation Hub in Munich

Finnish smart surface technology pioneer, TactoTek, is opening a new facility in Munich, Germany. The company’s Munich Innovation Hub supports the company’s commitment to being close to customers and making in-mould structural electronics (IMSE) innovations accessible to its rapidly expanding Central European customer base.

The facility is expected to support the diverse business needs of TactoTek’s customers and ecosystem. The Innovation Hub features an IMSE solution showroom featuring the latest IMSE technology demonstrators, will offer IMSE-related workshops, and will have IMSE engineering specialists for collaboration on project ideation and design studies, and business support for proposals.

Mutual learning results in solutions

“The mutual learning of being close to customers results in the right solutions built faster, and crisply focuses priorities,” noted Jussi Harvela, TactoTek CEO. “We have successfully developed close relationships with many Central European market leaders; our Munich Innovation Hub expands the reach of our leading-edge IMSE solutions and their significant environmental benefits.”

TactoTek’s Munich Innovation Hub officially opened on 26 February.

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