TechBlick Banner PE PV Innovation Day April 2025

© TechBlick

TechBlick’s popular Online Innovations Day returns

On 4 April, TechBlick will hold its free-to-attend online Innovations Day, focusing on additive, sustainable, flexible, hybrid, wearable and 3D electronics. 

It will also feature a parallel track dedicated to innovations in Perovskite technology. See here for further information and to register.

Agenda and registration

You can find the full agenda here

Attendee places will be limited and assigned on a first-come first-served basis. At TechBlick’s last Winter Innovations Day, they had 700 unique actual attendees – book here to secure your free place.

TechBlick platform

This festival will take place on the unique TechBlick platform, allowing users to use their own avatar to meet the speakers and network with fellow participants.


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