Teresa Walter-Leitzgen

© Teresa Walter-Leitzgen

The Voice of Converting | Social Media & GenZ

Teresa Walter-Leitzgen is our current guest on The Voice of Converting

Teresa Walter-Leitzgen has been working in digital and content marketing since 2015. Before focussing on digital strategic consulting for companies, Teresa studied ethnology, law and political science at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Through her passion for triathlon and running, she has built up her own brand on social media and also implements multi-channel campaigns for regional and international clients.

Public image on the social web

In her podcast interview with Martin Hirschmann, Teresa tells us how she turned her passion for triathlon into a wide-reaching Instagram presence – initially by chance, but then professionally. Today, companies from various sectors benefit from her expertise and take their public image on the social web to a new level. LinkedIn also plays a major role in Teresa’s work. In the podcast, we discuss why even small and medium-sized companies can benefit greatly from social media.

GenZ – better than its reputation?

We also talk about the image of GenZ and how it is portrayed in the media. Teresa explains why, in her view, much of the criticism levelled at the younger generation misses the mark.

Expert at the M2N Converting Gipfel

After the podcast is before the Gipfel: Teresa Walter-Leitzgen will be a speaker at the M2N Converting Gipfel in Hamburg (27-28 June 2024). The topics in this podcast provide an initial insight into her expertise – we cordially invite you to Hamburg to find out more!

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