Podcast Cover

© M2N Media

The Voice of Converting | Who are we?

Who are we – what are our goals?

Welcome to our German-speaking pilot episode! We launched the PRO Flexconvert and PRO Flextronics media hubs just over a month ago. A lot has happened since then. After a lot of positive feedback from the industry and even more work in the background, it’s now time to ignite the next stage of our newly launched rocket!

Welcome to our podcast!

For the pilot episode, the three founders, Nina Pirchmoser, Nadine Bauernfeind and Martin Hirschmann, sat down together and give an outlook on the coming months. So before we start with the factual topics (it’s almost time!), we would first like to introduce ourselves. Competent, personal and entertaining – just as we want our podcast to be in the future.

Podcasts are all the rage

As a classic “incidental medium”, podcasts have become serious competition for radio. Whether in the car, to fall asleep or by candlelight in the bathtub – many people can no longer imagine their everyday lives without this audio infotainment. However, reporting on the converting industry has so far been very thin on the ground. That is now changing! Look forward with us to many hours of information and entertainment with exciting personalities and experts on the subject of converting.

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