Ribbon-cutting ceremony at Comexi CTec Miami

© Comexi

Comexi inaugurates state-of-the-art CTec Technological Center in Miami

Comexi’s grand opening of the CTec Manel Xifra i Boada Technological Center in Miami was held on 25 January. According to the Spanish machinery manufacturer, the event was met with enthusiasm and admiration from attendees who witnessed firsthand the groundbreaking advancements poised to redefine the flexible packaging landscape in North America.

The event, attended by industry stakeholders, clients, and esteemed guests, showcased Comexi’s commitment to innovation and progress in the flexible packaging sector. A participant at the inauguration shared their experience, emphasising the significance of the occasion: “The inauguration of the Comexi CTec Manel Xifra i Boada Technological Center was truly a remarkable experience. As an attendee, I was captivated by the cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment showcased within the facility. The demonstrations of Comexi core technologies, including flexographic printing, solventless lamination, and slitting, were nothing short of impressive.”

The latest technology and in-depth knowledge in flexible packaging

“The Technological Center stands as a testament to Comexi’s dedication to providing comprehensive solutions and support to its customers in North America,” the company stated in a press release. “Equipped with the latest advancements in the industry, including a 10-colour flexographic printer, a solventless laminator, and a dual-turret slitter, the centre serves as a hub of innovation and development for printing and converting flexible packaging in the region.”

A unique event to learn first-hand about the future of flexible packaging

Moreover, the inauguration featured insightful conferences addressing the future of flexible packaging from diverse perspectives. Keynote speakers, including Alison Keane, President of the FPA, Todd Fayne of PepsiCo, and Dr. Chip Tonkin of Clemson University, provided valuable insights into the current challenges and future trends shaping the industry.

The establishment of the Comexi CTec Manel Xifra i Boada Technological Center in Miami signifies a significant advancement for Comexi in North America, reaffirming its position as a leader in the industry and underscoring its dedication to innovation and progress in the flexible packaging sector.


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