Valmet partners with KROENERT to elevate quality management and automation solutions for coating and laminating customers

Valmet has entered into a partnership with KROENERT, an industry leader in coating and laminating solutions based in Germany. In this collaboration, Valmet will supply its quality management solutions such as Valmet IQ Scanner and IQ Moisturizer into KROENERT’s coating and laminating lines, enabling data analysis, optimisation of production conditions, and close-loop control for KROENERT’s machines.

In addition, the partnership will include co-development and exploration of innovation opportunities in automation solutions and machine technology, as well as data management and digitalisation solutions. The aim is to deliver future-proof solutions that enable coating and laminating customers to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity.

Cutting-edge automation

The partnership empowers coating and laminating customers to gain an innovative, integrated portfolio of coating line machines and cutting-edge automation systems. By leveraging the strengths and solid expertise of both companies, the goal is to enable the customers to optimise the process runnability, improve production efficiency, and elevate the end-product quality.

 “We are very much looking forward to working with KROENERT professionals to be able to offer a comprehensive solution for coating and laminating customers. This partnership marks an important step for Valmet’s automation systems to further expand the footprint and provide unmatched value to paper converting customers and drive their performance forward,” says Mikko Talonen, Director, Quality Management Solutions, Automation Systems, Valmet.

“Valmet and KROENERT’s competencies have already been combined in the market, driven by customers looking for the best performance in coating as well as quality management solutions. Our partnership provides the next level of customer-focused, integrated production optimisation. With Valmet equipment available in our Technology Center, we can deepen our knowledge and furnish proven concepts,” says Markus Waterkamp, Managing Director, KROENERT.



Caption: Valmet and Kroenert project teams at Kroenert’s Technology Center Pilot Line

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