Chemnitz New Year awards group photo

© Saralon GmbH

Chemnitz New Year awards illuminated by Saralon

At the New Year ceremony in Chemnitz city hall, conductive ink supplier Saralon GmbH took pride in supporting the recognition of dedicated volunteer workers and played a technological role behind the scenes.

The award winner volunteer workers received “Chemnitzer Ehrentaler” medals in stylish illuminated packages enabled by SaralLight.

Integrated printed electronics

SaralLight printed electronics technology was simply integrated within the premium boxes. They light up when opened, enhancing the perceived value of the items they hold.

These smart illuminated boxes are characterised by sustainable electronics practices; in line with Chemnitz’s commitment to sustainability as the 2025 cultural capital of Europe:

  • Recyclable paper-based printed electronics
  • Eliminating material waste by additive manufacturing
  • Minimalist, easy-to use illumination technology
  • Minimising electronic waste compared to conventional electronics
  • No wiring, thus significant cut back on electronic components

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