© Canatu

Finland’s semiconductor industry needs thousands of new talents – awareness campaign to launch in January 2024

What would the world look like without semiconductors and people behind them? Without the applications and devices enabled by semiconductors, from smartphones to computers, healthcare technologies to energy systems, our society would take a significant step backwards. However, this rapidly growing industry needs even more talent. As a joint effort, semiconductor companies in Finland will launch an awareness campaign in January 2024 to attract young students to pursue careers in semiconductors.

Finland’s semiconductor industry is experiencing strong growth. The global semiconductor market is estimated to reach $1 trillion by 2030. Currently, the industry employs around 5,000 people in Finland, but the need for skilled professionals is expected to quadruple by 2032.

Creating highly productive jobs

“The semiconductor industry creates highly productive jobs in Finland, brings significant export revenues, and attracts international investments as long as we ensure an adequate supply of skilled professionals and maintain a high level of expertise,” said Tomy Runne, Vice President of Murata Europe and Chairman of the Semiconductor Industry Group at Technology Industries of Finland. “We have just started preparing Finland’s national semiconductor strategy to guide Finland’s technology-driven growth. Fulfilling the need for skilled professionals is an essential part of this strategy, and the awareness campaign starting now also supports our long-term strategic goals.”

Developed in collaboration with communications agency Miltton, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the growing semiconductor industry and its opportunities. The campaign theme “Without us” encourages reflection on how today’s world would look without semiconductors and emphasizes the crucial role played by those working in this field as builders of a more sustainable future. The campaign launching in January includes videos on social media channels and a website that showcases information about semiconductors, future prospects within the field, and various educational paths through which one can enter into a career within the semiconductor industry.

Countless applications

“The semiconductor field is extremely fascinating – products are present in our daily lives, from mobile phones to networks, and from computers to electric cars. There are countless applications, ranging from microchips to sensors, timers, and photonics, all of which involve cutting-edge technology. Semiconductor components and materials, as well as the necessary equipment, are designed and manufactured in Finland as well. Solutions based on advanced technologies can also contribute to slowing down climate change and promoting the green transition,” adds Tomy Runne. “However, a challenge for the semiconductor field is the low awareness among university students about the field and its companies. Hopefully, this campaign will help awaken the interest of technically oriented young people because this industry offers truly diverse career paths and opportunities to influence future technologies and thereby impact the environment, people’s safety, and society as a whole.”

The following companies are participating in the campaign:

  • Applied Materials in Finland (Picosun Oy)
  • Bosch Finland
  • Canatu Oy
  • KYOCERA Technologies Oy
  • Murata Electronics Oy
  • Okmetic Oy
  • Vaisala Oyj


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